What Can Burnout Sound Like?

Think about your experiences of work and career. Think about your relationship with work and career, and how it has changed through different stages of your life. Think about your expectations of work and the expectations placed on you by your work environment.

At this moment, what stands out for you – physically, emotionally, and cognitively?

What Can Burnout Sound Like?

Which of the following statements resonates with what you are experiencing? Why? When you are done, try the reflective exercise that follows.

“I am exhausted every day, all day, but I have to carry on, it’s simply part of being in business.”

“I have always taken pride in my work ethic. Lately, I feel completely disengaged.”

“I feel increasingly angry, resentful, and cynical. I know I am bringing this attitude to work but what can I do?”

I know I am experiencing burnout. But I don’t want to be known as that person – the one with burnout, the one who had to take time off.”

“I have a good job, good benefits. Being burnt out doesn’t make any sense. I should feel grateful, not overwhelmed.”

“I can’t be burnt out. My employees expect a lot from me. I can’t let anyone down. I have to push through.”

“I can’t pinpoint whether I am extremely relieved to be off work because of burnout or disappointed in myself for having to take time off.”

“I am stronger than this. But why do I feel nauseous, my body aches, and I feel like bursting into tears almost every day when I arrive at work”?

“Business is tough, life is tough, I have to get over these overwhelming feelings I am experiencing.”

“I am proud of my accomplishments and proud of the responsibility I have for my team. I also feel increasingly isolated and lonely at work.”

“I feel I can’t bring my full self to work. It’s exhausting not feeling authentic day in and day out.”

“I feel so flat and disengaged. I should be able to handle this project. I need to work harder.”

“I made my career decisions based on other people’s expectations of me. I’ve never felt personally connected to what I do.”

“I care about the quality of work we do each day but it doesn’t seem to matter to those around me. This wears me down every day.”

“Burnout forced me to leave a job and a profession I love. I am afraid to start over in a new profession.”

“I took some time off due to burnout. But I am returning to the same work environment and the same issues. I am worried I will slide back into burnout.”

“I was thriving in my last role. I got promoted to a role I am not suited for. I’ve gone from thriving to struggling every day.”

“The responsibilities of this role are always changing with little warning, support, or guidance. I am floundering and never on top of what I need to get done each day.”

“I have always considered myself a lifelong learner, always open to gaining new skills. But this industry is changing rapidly and I never feel I can keep up. I am overwhelmed.”

Reflective Exercise

Set aside some time to reflect on your experiences. A few sample questions have been provided below to help you get started. Writing out your thoughts, and examining your own words opens space for deeper self-discovery, perspective, and possibilities.

  • What has changed for me at work or in my attitude towards work? When did I start noticing these changes?
  • What do work and career mean to be at this stage in my life?
  • Is the quantity of work too much day to day? Are the expectations placed on me too high or too low?
  • Is there too little or too much autonomy at work?
  • Am I supported at work? Is there good support or little support? Do I feel isolated or part of a community at work?
  • Do I have a say in my schedule and my work hours?
  • How flexible is my work towards medical appointments, mental health, childcare, and eldercare?
  • Am I acknowledged and valued for the skills and experience I bring to my work/role? Have I outgrown the role I am in?
  • Is the communication around me positive? Are expectations and job duties clearly stated? Am I able to communicate easily with colleagues/superiors? Do you have a voice?
  • What is the leadership/management like at my work? What kind of environment do leaders/managers create? What do they prioritize? Do they inspire? Do they listen? Is the feedback given constructive, respectful, and appropriate?
  • Is teamwork positive? Does each member of the team feel valued for what they bring to the work/project? Does each member understand what their role is?
  • Are interpersonal conflicts at work dealt with respectfully and quickly?

Career Counselling can help at any stage of your career life: conversation, clarity, perspective, support, and customized strategies. Contact [email protected] for more information or to book a consultation.