Each Work Experience You Have Is Important

Does this resonate with you? “That one summer job I had was the best work experience but that’s not a career”. This may be true but when you reflect on the varied experiences of your life, you gather valuable information about yourself, the world around you, your abilities, the development of your skills, the expansion […]

Identifying Skills – An Experiential Worksheet

What comprises a skill set? We often associate our skill set with the functional skills or expertise required for a specific job, role, or profession. But this lens is too narrow; it does not capture the full scope of reality. Ourskills are in fact continuously developing and expanding over the course of our lives. Our […]

Imagining Career – A Career Development Exercise

Career development is continuous throughout our lives; whether you are a young adult just starting your working life or whether you have some career experience and are now contemplating a career transition. Creativity and imagination are as much a part of career development during our lifetimes as specific strategies. Try this exercise. What does your […]